wow64ext library update

I’ve updated wow64ext library, there are two new functions:

  • VirtualAllocEx64
  • VirtualFreeEx64

Those are equivalent of standard VirtualAllocEx and VirtualFreeEx, but works with 64-bits addresses. There is additional source code provided in \sample\main.cpp that shows how to use those new functions:

printf("Alloc/Free test:\nRequesting 0x1000 bytes of memory at 0x70000020000 ...\n");
DWORD64 mem = VirtualAllocEx64(hProcess, 0x70000020000, 0x1000, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (0 == mem)
	printf("VirtualAllocEx64 failed.\n");
	return 0;
printf("Memory allocated at: %016I64X\n", mem);
VirtualQueryEx64(hProcess, mem, &mbi64, sizeof(mbi64));
printf("Query memory: %016I64X %016I64X %08X %08X %08X\n", mbi64.BaseAddress, mbi64.RegionSize, mbi64.Protect, mbi64.Type, mbi64.State);
printf("Freeing memory: %s\n", VirtualFreeEx64(hProcess, mem, 0, MEM_RELEASE) ? "success" : "failure");
VirtualQueryEx64(hProcess, mem, &mbi64, sizeof(mbi64));
printf("Query memory: %016I64X %016I64X %08X %08X %08X\n", mbi64.BaseAddress, mbi64.RegionSize, mbi64.Protect, mbi64.Type, mbi64.State);

After successful execution it will show that both new functions works perfectly:

Alloc/Free test:
Requesting 0x1000 bytes of memory at 0x70000020000 ...
Memory allocated at: 0000070000020000
Query memory: 0000070000020000 0000000000001000 00000004 00020000 00001000
Freeing memory: success
Query memory: 0000070000020000 000000FEF5050000 00000001 00000000 00010000

green values are memory protection flags:

  • 00000004 – PAGE_READWRITE
  • 00000001 – PAGE_NOACCESS

yellow values represents state of memory pages:

  • 00001000 – MEM_COMMIT
  • 00010000 – MEM_FREE

Link to library hosted on google code:
Direct link to zip package:

Reading memory of x64 process from x86 process

Some of you probably know that there is no easy way to read, write or enumerate memory regions of native x64 processes from x86 process that is running under WOW64 layer. Probably the only way it can be done is to use hack that I’ve described few months ago (Mixing x86 with x64 code). In that case there will be need to get address of x64 version of NtReadVirtualMemory / NtWriteVirtualMemory / NtQueryVirtualMemory and call it through X64Call(). Including all those hacky lines of code into even very small project doesn’t sound good even for me :) So I’ve decided to wrap it into glossy, shiny library called WOW64Ext.dll. Continue reading →

PEB32 and PEB64 in one definition

Recently I was writing small piece of code that uses both versions of PEB structure (x86 and x64). Being tired of having two separate definitions I decided to look into the Windows Research Kernel (WRK) sources and check how Microsoft is handling this structure. Original definition is in “pebteb.h” file and it is pretty smart, everything is defined through a series of macros and then included in a very “specific” way: Continue reading →

Mixing x86 with x64 code

Few months ago I was doing some small research about possibility of running native x64 code in 32-bits processes under the WoW64 layer. I was also checking it the other way round: run native x86 code inside 64-bits processes. Both things are possible and as far as I googled some people used it already:

Unfortunately I wasn’t aware of any of above results when I was doing my research, so I’ll just present my independent insights ;)

Continue reading →